Top Five Countries to Move to Live in: Take into Consideration

Happy Person

How people choose the state when they decide to leave the place where they were born? There is a huge number of factors that influence the choice: the presence of relatives and friends abroad who can help you at the beginning, the possibility to obtain citizenship, standard of living. Let's look at it from the different perspective, from the perspective of happiness. Where are people the happiest? In which state may you more likely find the peace and welfare?

The felicity is made up of different factors. If we talk about the level of fortune of the countries, it is depended on the government, income and mental health. Here you may find five countries in which, in obedience to the well-known Travel Channel, denizens are overjoyed more than anywhere.

Costa Rica

In this state there is no army, the average life expectancy here is about 79. In addition to this, you are surrounded by such a prepossessing nature that you just cannot help but cheer up. Instead of cold winter five months on the ocean, great weather and bright sun expect you. In Costa Rica, there is a popular saying "life is beautiful".


Norway had been holding the first place among the other Nordic countries until 2013 in the rating of the best states to live in. Norway also was the leader in sub-index of the economy. In addition to this, in this state, there is one of the highest levels of GDP per capita per year – about $ 54 947. By the degree of delectation of life, Norwegians are second in the world. 95% of denizens affirm that they are happy to have the freedom to choose how to organize their lives.



In 2013, an overview of the most fortunate states was released, and Denmark was ranked first in it. Here are some details about this state, which we put together in order to portray an excellent image of happy life. Denmark supports parents and young families, extending the paid time for childcare. Danish citizens receive free medical care, they have total equality between the sexes in any sphere and citizens have a true sense of responsibility in relation to each other. It seems to be a set of unrelated factors. Nevertheless, they mean a lot for the welfare of the people – equality, freedom and responsibility, physical activity, and support from the state.


It might seem for the first time that the happiest citizens must reside in Thailand, the "land of smiles". Nevertheless, the world's highest Happy Planet Index of Asian countries registered in Vietnam. A rapidly developing state has become one of the most well-known tourist destinations in the past 20 years. Citizens of Vietnam are satisfied with what they have, and the level of delectation in the country is quite high. Here you will find quiet beaches, great climate, rapidly growing cities and delicious food.


Business Opportunities

If after moving to another state, you are planning to go into business then choose Sweden. According to Forbes, you may find many freedom and business opportunities in this Scandinavian state. Startups are relatively cheap, and a high degree of interpersonal trust and a culture based on individualism only raise the level of felicity in the state.

To sum up, of course, it’s up to you to decide because first of all the choice should be based on your personal interest and personal factors. I hope that this article may help you in your decision. You have to remember that everywhere you may face difficulties so you must be ready to unexpected situations, even in the happiest states to live in.

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