First Job Offer and Why Your Should Think Twice Before Agreeing or Declining

First Job

Student times are over and you should start thinking about settling for a job. Surely, you may be worried about finding no job at all, but accepting the very first offer without a peep may not be your best decision. Even worse, there are occasions when you totally should turn it down. How to make the right decision? Here are some tips for you:

You Better Decline

Employer's behavior seemed inappropriate to you

They might offer you fantastic working conditions and good salary, but if you somehow felt yourself uncomfortable during the job interview, it's better to decline the offer. Just imagine that you will have to work with this person all the time, so think twice if it's the best choice. Don't search for a place to settle, search for a place where you can build your career. World-class employers always think about their employees and will never ask any uncomfortable questions during the interviews.

Unsatisfied Employees

If you are going to accept the offer you will have to work with those people day-to-day and spend a considerable period of your time in that office. Look around, do the employees seem comfortable and relaxed? Do they seem sad or depressed? It's very important to understand the atmosphere in the place you are going to become a part of. If other workers look unsatisfied, stressed or overworked, they might be treated unfairly. Think if you are ready to become one of them before accepting the offer.

The Job Isn't Related to What You Want to Pursue

Currently, it may seem that you are ready to take any position just to finally relax and calm yourself down with the fact that you have found a job. Again, this may be a very bad decision if you don't want to spend next five years wondering how you ended up on this career path and what to do next. If you have a particular position in mind, better do your best to stick to it and consider only the related offers even if conditions are worse. You will still be able to look for other options after you gain some experience.

You Better Accept


Before sending your resume to different places, create a list of things you're looking for in a company. This way you will have a valid foundation and after the interviews, you will be able to see how each employer corresponds to your priorities. Also, rely on your instinct. If you felt appreciated during the conversation with the HR manager, if the company is big and famous, if it's related to the sphere you want to work in, most likely, there is nothing to worry about. You better don't accept the job offer only out of the feat to never find another one, because you surely will! Best things come to those who wait, they say. Don't lose your hopes and keep on searching, you deserve only the best!

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