Succeed in Doing Homework with the Help of Flashcards

Flashcards for Students

Flashcards are a great tool for doing homework. When you need to learn a paragraph, rereading it several times creates a feeling of familiarity with the text. Unfortunately, it does not work this way. Remember a situation when you have read the same piece of text another time, and it seems that you already know it, but you still cannot sum it up. Flashcards are created for this purpose.

How It Works

On one side of a card, you should write a question, a term, a sentence with a gap or even an image, while on the other side there should be an answer, a determination, a word or an explanation accordingly. Make as many cards as you need to remember for your homework. Certainly, not all the books should be transformed into cards. To determine what are the key points among the materials to be studied, you may hire an online writer.

How to Make Flashcards

First, read the paragraph you need to learn. Before creating flashcards, you should analyze the material. Highlight sentences that reflect important information and, based on them, create a so-called intellectual map: a scheme of the paragraph. Determine main topics, then divide them into subtopics and continue doing so until the very small subtopics. As a result, you have an intellectual map that reflects the essential information you need to transform into cards and memorize after. During this process, some information naturally stores in your memory. Therefore, fewer facts are left for flashcards and a part of your homework is already done.

What to Write on a Flashcard

A question or a sentence on a flashcard should be very specific. If your homework is to learn types of taxes, do not write just a word "Taxes". Better formulate a question as "What is a Consumption Tax?" You should clearly understand what each question means. If you want to see how to complete flashcards for your particular assignment, IDoAssignment.Com will be glad to assist.


Mobile apps could be used as an alternative to paper flashcards. Being very popular among students, apps have some disadvantages. Firstly, you type the information that should be learned. As it is known, people better assimilate information that is written by hand, not typed. Secondly, an option to download the cards already made eliminates the necessity of creating an intellectual map and all the benefits from it as well. Thirdly, apps allow sharing cards with other users of the same app. It leads to the same consequences as in the second case, despite the fact that doing homework together with friends is more fun. Moreover, not all users create cards with correct information.

How to Use

Flashcards are used every time you start forgetting the material learned. When some information is leaving your short-term memory, by refreshing your knowledge you create a stronger neuron connection with new information. Divide all your cards into several groups. In the first group, you will put new cards. The rest of them should be put into 7 groups. The bigger the number of a group, the fewer cards of this group you will use. For an instance, cards of the group number one you will use every day, cards of the group number two - every second day, number three – twice a week, number four – once a week, number five – twice a month, number six – once a month, and number seven – once in two months. If you cannot remember the information on a card you should shift it to the group number one. Write a schedule for this activity on your calendar to make sure you will not miss any group. The goal of this game is to move all the cards to the group number seven.

Benefits of Using Flashcards

The method with flashcards helps to create strong neuron connections and save information in a long-term memory. If you understand that you need some information not only for completing homework or passing a test, but it will be useful in the future, use the flashcards!

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