Biggest Misapprehensions About College Roommates and Ways to Avoid Them

college roommates

Out of all the possible fears and anxious things to think about before going to college, a future roommate is usually the biggest concern. Thanks to different TV shows, students usually have some certain ideas about what it is like share a room with someone else on a regular basis. Here are some biggest misapprehensions about your future dorm roommates and how you can avoid some of them:

You have to look for the roommate beforehand

A lot of students refuse to live with a random person selected for them, so they decide to find the one by themselves. That is a nice idea, but unfortunately, it doesn't guarantee that everything will be perfect. Sharing a room with someone is a very tough experience and it differs from some casual meetings. In some occasions, it might be better to let your fate decide and wait until you are matched up with someone by the dorm admission committee. You will never know, maybe, it will be the best decision in your life.

You are going to be the best friends

Again, because of the different TV shows, students usually expect that that their future roommate will be their BFF during all the student years. This expectation can come true or can become your biggest disappointment. Just because you are living together doesn't mean you are going to be tied up to each other. True friendship can appear out of nowhere - don't make yourself think your roommate has to be your number one friend.

You don't have to talk about the things you want to buy

Often, students think that there is no necessity to talk to their roommates about the house things they want to purchase and that is a big mistake. Discussing is very important if you don't want to end up with two kettles and no coffee maker, for example. Communication is a key to avoiding any misunderstandings so better start talking and discussing everything from the very first day of your living together.

You don't have to put any efforts to build a good friendship

Students often think that becoming friends with their roommate won't require any efforts from their side. You will have to share everything, you will have see and communicate with each other every day so that is enough for building a friendship, isn't it? This thinking is wrong. You don't become best friends just because you share a room, there is a lot more to it than just this fact. It's all about caring and understanding each other's needs and concerns.

You can get to know the person via social media profiles

It is no secret that a Facebook page can tell a lot of a person's character, hobbies and interests and it is surely interesting to you to check and get to know as many different facts as possible about the person you will soon have to share your room with. And there is nothing bad with it, just try not to jump into different conclusions based on this information only. You can't label people without actually meeting them. Think about it from the different angle: would you like to be judged based on your social media profiles only?

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