Visiting Lectures: Do I Need to Hear it?

Sleeping Student

Usually, the majority of students are not taking lectures too seriously. They understand that this is an effective resource of new information, the method of contact with the teacher, the area for questions and answers. However, sometimes what we get while visiting lectures seems so boring, that the idea of reading a classic novel gives us much more enthusiasm. Are the lectures worth visiting and how to select the most important things among the uncountable amount of information that is needed to be digested? Let’s try to understand.

The First Time Is Your Duty

Sometimes, while reading how the course is called, we are making hasty conclusions about the subject and the teacher. Prejudices concerning boring aspects have been here since the beginning, but this stereotype should be dispelled. It often appears that boring subject becomes interesting and interactive, the teacher uses modern approaches and techniques focusing not only on general things, but also on small trifles, which clearly are given to form the whole picture. Give the boring title of your course a chance! Perhaps, visiting a lecture for one time only will force you to form a list of questions and require the additional literature!

Try to Outline


Have you been in such a trouble when you come to a lecture, sit down, listen for the first ten minutes and then start thinking over yesterday's date, your favorite dish or grandmother's cat? Dreaming is certainly not bad, but sometimes you miss something interesting while thinking about things that don’t matter at the moment. Try to focus and write something that made you thinking over certain things. Make notes on the main page that includes the general information, and write on the side things that you’d like to explore, read about or discuss in the group.

If I Have the Deadlock?

Of course, sometimes thoughtful listening and writing do not work and you have to adapt to the monotonous voice of the teacher who does not seem interested in teaching at all. Try to find the original literature about the course that analyzes specific aspects, provides new facts and most importantly is not the same type with any other information. Take this literature with yourself while visiting lectures and read the material thoroughly. Remember that auditory memory also works at that moment. It is not surprising if you will subconsciously remember something that you haven’t paid attention to.

As a Conclusion

Eventually, be the owner of your time. If there are enough opportunities for you to develop, why would you waste it? Use the things you are given at university right now. In the future, when you’ll have a job and become a busy person you won’t be able to gain the knowledge that was supposed to be given years ago! Give it a try and remember: it’s better to regret about something that is done than about something you wanted to do but you didn’t.

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